Thursday, June 10, 2010



The Blackhawks are Stanley Cup champions, and how sweet it is. Pat Kane's goal in overtime last night sealed the deal for a team that has been enveloped in non-stop attention and TV coverage for three months now. Although no one else was sure if it was a goal, Kane knew it, and his attitude pretty much sums up the Hawks' season: NO DOUBT.

The team arrived at O'Hare just before 4am and they have been partying with the fans since, making bar stops at Harry Caray's of Rosemont and they left Pony's Restaurant and are going to another location now.

The players weren't the only one's celebrating, though. Fans clogged the streets, dancing and cheering for what is Chicago's first championship in five years for Sox fans, but everyone else has been waiting since 1998 when the Bulls won. Wrigleyville seemed to be the location choice, as traffic stopped on Clark St. and fans attempted to tip a police truck.

The celebration will continue, as the Blackhawks are having their victory parade and rally tomorrow on Wacker Drive and Michigan Avenue. The parade will begin somewhere between 11am and 11:30am. We need all Hawks fans there! Here is the map for the Parade route:

It is really amazing what the Hawks have done. In three years they have gone from the laughing stock of the NHL, to Stanley Cup Champions. They've done so much for the sport and for their fans. What an amazing story they have put together: it will be told for years and years.

Congratulations to the players, coaches and staff along with their families. Congrats to all of the Hawks fans, especially the ones who have been waiting 49 years for this. Thanks to Rocky Wirtz for taking this team where it has. Thanks to Joel Quennville, Jonathan Toews, and the rest of the Hawks staff and players. It feels different saying this as Stanley Cup Champions: GO HAWKS!!!

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